metropolitan. . .

Ez dakigulako baina jakin nahi dugulako Ez dugulako probatu baina probatu nahi dugulako Ez dugulako ikasi baina ikasi nahi dugulako Donostialdeko gazte literaturzaleen blog bohemio, paristar, idealista, erromantiko, fantasioso eta eroa.

vendredi, février 02, 2007


“What do you want to do, then, just leave it?” said Larrea. He was having a shower and the hot water was reddening the skin on his arms and shoulders.

“You know I don’t” she said from the stool in the bathroom. She was wrapped in a large towel, and was smoking a cigarette.

“I don’t think we’ve got much option,” said Larrea, turning off the shower. ”I can’t ask you to join my organization, and it’s the same with you, you can’t ask me to join yours. No one would take it seriously. Besides, I really don’t think they’d let me in.”

The geranium on the other side of the window appeared and disappeared depending on Larrea’s movements in the bath.

“The way you put it, we only have two alternatives,” she said. “We can either disobey the order and stay together, or we can say goodbye right now.”

For the first time since that meeting in the aristocrat’s house, there was tension between them.

“We mustn’ t go thinking we’re Romeo and Juliet. We’re not a couple of adolescents,” said Larrea, picking up a towel and drying himself. He was smiling, but it wasw as if he were smiling to himself.

“How old were Romeo and Juliet?” she asked him. The decision they were about to take made her voice sound hoarse, huskier than usual.

“I don´t know about Romeo, but Juliet was about fifteen or sixteen.”

“Then it’s true. They were much younger than we are. Anyway, I’m going to get dressed.”

She got up from the stool and left the bathroom.

“I suppose you think I don’t mind,” Larrea said as she was walking down the corridor.

After that, the scene in the dream changed again, and moved from the bathroom to the Plaza Condorcet, where the house was. She saw Larrea leaving to look for his car while she, standing on the pavement, was wondering what would happen next. Would he leave immediately, without saying goodbye? Ever since that first time, when their hands had met in the darkness, their goodbyes had always followed the same pattern: Larrea would wind down his car window, and, a few yards before he caught up with her, he would stretch out his arm and she would reach out too and their hands would lightly touch.

Larrea drove out of the car park and, keeping to their ritual, he opened his window and put out his arm. For her part, she stepped out on to the road and prepared herself for that gesture of farewell. But for some reason, it didn’t work that day. Their two hands didn’t touch.

Larrea braked, as if he were going to stop in order to repeat their goodbyes, but in the end he drove on. She didn’t know how to react either and simply watched him drive off.

She would never again see her love. He would die about a fortnight later trying to disembark on a beach in Vizcaya. According to the rumours, the police had set a trap.

Zeru horiek, Bernardo Atxaga


Blogger MAGABILA said...

Beste biek kontrakorik ez badiote, hau da denbora luzean blog honetan argitaratuko den azken testua.

Gure testuak irakurri eta komentarioak egin dituzuen guztioi eskerrak bihotzez.

Izugarrizko pena ematen dit agur esateak, blog honek asko suposatu baitu hirurontzat, eta batez ere niretzat.

Nire bizitzari bizi dudan erara bizitzeak ematen dio zentzua.

Blog hau istorio horren egunerokoa izan den heinean, nire bizitzaren parte izan da eta hau intensoago bizitzea ahalbideratu dit, ate asko irekitzeaz aparte.

Liburu hartan bezala, kapitulu batetik bestera saltoka ibiliko naiz hemendik aurrera, gustokoenean, zazpigarrenean, berriro ere, zu eta nik, irakurle, sin buscarnos pero para encontrarnos, topo egiten dugun arte.

Ordurarte besarkada bat

7:19 PM  
Blogger Lucy in sky said...

Ordurarte bai !

Eskerrik asko zuei , ulertzen eta konpartitzen dut hein batean...zuretzat suposatu duena...


Topo egingo dugu bai tabernetako istorioetan bezala .

8:58 PM  
Blogger iker said...

Ondo izan, zaindu, oroitu...
Mundubazter batean ezagutu nuen lagunak esango lukeen bezala: elkarrekin topo egingo dugunerarte, une hori, kolosala izango da eta.

10:49 PM  
Blogger Ane Araluzea said...

Good night Magabila, Magabila good night
Good night Magabila, good night Magabila
I'll keep you in my dreams

12:16 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Eskerrik asko zuen bidearen zati bat konpartitzen uzteagatik, polita izan da. Espero dut egunen baten berriro ere topo egitea, ordura arte, zorte on magabila!

1:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Kiitos paljon!!
Horrela esan ohi da eskerrik asko ni bizi naizen herrian.
Gustora irakurri dudan blog honi agur esateak pena ematen dit, baina tira behintzat makina txatxu honen aurrean denbora gehiago ez igaroteko aitzakia ona da.
Ondo segi eta izan zoriontsu, aioooooo!! Muak!!

3:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

batzutan berbak ez dauie ezertarako balidxo. eta bi berbagaz bakarrik badan be, dana esango dotzuet.

Eskerrik asko.

6:00 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Leka, garbitzera noanean erakutsiko dizkizut uletxuk, zuk nahi ez duzun tokian. Eta apaizak nitzaz gozatzen duen artean zugaz pentsetako dot, bardin jat ez banaz zuzena, zu dena ez zaren moduan. Magabila!!

Aboriginala izan nahi nuen,
agur mezuaren ordez egur mezua egin. Barka nire bekatua!!!

Egur benur!

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Zuen testuetako baten jartzen zenuten blog ziztrin bat baino ez dela. Baina ziztrina izan arren, nire irakurketen parte bihurtu da sarri zuen sentimenduekin identifikatuta sentitu naizelako edo sinpleki, benetan gozatu dudalako zuen hitzak irakurtzen, beraz, nahitaez faltan botako dut... Eskerrik asko

8:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Horrelako beste abesti batek elkartzen gaituen arte,

bilatu gabe, baina zu aurkitzeko biziko naiz...

9:18 PM  
Blogger aitorr said...

nire blogetik lotura bat sortu dit zurera. Axola bazaizu esan eta kenduko dut.

agur bat!

12:45 AM  
Blogger aitorr said...

sortu DUT esan nahi nuen.

12:46 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Ç'a été une année magnifique.
(barka ortografia akatsak)

Jeje.Ezin duzue imajinatu ere egin zenbat irakurle dituzuen... Eskerrik asko anonimo talde handi baten izenean.

Duela gutxi irakurri nuen Gaztetxulon egin zizueten elkarrizketa...Grazia egin zidan.

Muxu handi bat
Ongi ibili MB

12:08 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Berandu nator, noizbait baina.
Harriduratik ezin irten gainera.

Gero arte esatea besterik ez zait geratzen mutilak. Eta zuen hitzek sorrarazten diguten gozamena azpimarratzea.

Ikusiko diagu elkar hiriko zoko ilunen batean, goizez, arratsaldez ala gauez, hitzen artean beti ere, zerbezaren bat eskuan, akaso.

11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

joder la ostia zarieeeeee!

2:57 PM  

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