metropolitan. . .

Ez dakigulako baina jakin nahi dugulako Ez dugulako probatu baina probatu nahi dugulako Ez dugulako ikasi baina ikasi nahi dugulako Donostialdeko gazte literaturzaleen blog bohemio, paristar, idealista, erromantiko, fantasioso eta eroa.

vendredi, novembre 02, 2007


I´ve decided to open a new English-spoken space in this blog in order to oil my highly oxidized brain by writing in English. As well as practicing the only foreign language I´ve learnt, I´d try to share with every reader -is there someone out there?- some crazy thoughts (abandoned thoughts, ignored reflections, more insignificant than Arnaldo Otegi´s dirty underpants in the hands of the prison cleaner).

The house of love
The fact that Basque youngsters don´t make love is nothing short of a miracle. Although they do everything in their power to make it, just few young couples enjoy the priviledge of developing freely and completely their sexual life.

Lovers usually pay a very high price for a basic need: privacy. For example, the second hand cars that invade the surrounding hills of Donostia or the bosom of Zarautz motorway bridge at weekends are not cheap: apart from the steep price of the vehicle, youngsters must afford the driving license, the car insurance and the petrol.

What about the summer apartments in Jaca or Formigal? It´s a good option, but quite expensive&not frequently useful, don´t you think so? Besides, you need parents’ permission, which means you´ve achieved a really fluent communication with them or you´re an expert making up excuses.

Being economically impossible to live by yourself at the age of 19 (overwhelming price of flats, difficulty in combining studies and a decent job), we can consider that Basque youngsters have enormous difficulties to deepen in their relationships.

From my point of view, politicians can solve this problem if they are brave enough to take the decision of building The house of love. This building would provide young citizens 24 hours service in a reasonable price based in these principles: hygiene, enjoyment, information, respect, imagination, safety and privacy. Equipped with all kind of rooms, it´d be accessible for every young citizen (no matter color, sexual tendency, religion, etc.) and its expenses would be paid by the government. In this house, young couples would have the opportunity of making love with no pressure and with all the safety and information required.

In my opinion, these kinds of measures would draw society together and would highly improve our youngsters’ life. Moreover, I think that The house of love would indirectly reduce drug consumption and extreme political tendencies, as well as motivating communication between youngsters and the contact between different ethnics, eliminating in this way sexual prejudices.

I´d like to see what would Donostia´s or Hernani´s left wing governors answer to my proposal (remember that more than the %50 of the votes were to left-wing parties).

Do we really live in a liberal society?

- Reflection: hausnarketa edo reflexión. Ez da false-friend bat.
- Is nothing short of a miracle: it´s an absolute miracle
- Do everything in my power to...
- Enjoy the priviledge
- Pay a very high price
- In the bosom of the family: familiaren babesean (lap=altzoa)
- Draw society together: cohesionar la sociedad, gizarteak bat egin dezan ahalbideratu.


Anonymous Anonyme said...

From my point of view,...Wow, that reminded me of my FCE, what a sweet memory. What you say is obviously true, but is it really necessary that politicians interfere in this as well? Making love in the beach will always be free, maybe we should try to keep these traditions of looking for a fine place and a fine time (the delay&difficulties make it all more exciting, I'd dare to say). Anyway, that sounded good to me. No sexual prejudices, so damn beautiful.

Some are lucky, others are not.

2:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

I've always thought about this.
If there's not House of love we have a double obstacle against us: first, getting a girl (hard job, men), and secondly, the added difficulty to have a place where we can do it.

+1 for your proposition. Let's spread the word.

2:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

i love youuuuuuuu....

meet me at the House of Love!

7:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

i love you
i love you
i love you

"USEFUL VOCABULARY", jajaja. Fliping.

P.D foster's batzuk jatea nijo,
a ez,
frostis batzuk (useful vocabulary: cereals: zerealak, jaja)

foster's beste zerbait zan, jajaja.

7:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Bai, niri reading pixka bat egitea komeni zait... reading, eta beste -ing asko.....

Hauetako dexente etxe hortan (e-txortan?) egiteko aukera izango genuke... referendum bat eskatuko diogu ibarretxeri...

12:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

(fundido en negro)



12:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Very useful your English course!! And the love´s house idea it´s great!! It´s very difficult to find somewhere to stay confortable near ñoñosti.
A house of love please, we´re worth it!!

3:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

Erreferendum eta panopla merke horiekin gazteen benetako beharrak ezkutatu nahi dituzte.

Gizarteak sexua non praktikatu behar du, ez gara denok Ajuria-Enean bizi.

Ibarretxe kalera, gazteok Ajuria Eneara!

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...


9:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonyme said...

So it's all about economics... I guess The House of Love would be a total success, tought,as the first one said, making love in the beach will always be free (ok, undoubtly too cold out there, right now).

yeap. Like it.

1:58 PM  

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