metropolitan. . .

Ez dakigulako baina jakin nahi dugulako Ez dugulako probatu baina probatu nahi dugulako Ez dugulako ikasi baina ikasi nahi dugulako Donostialdeko gazte literaturzaleen blog bohemio, paristar, idealista, erromantiko, fantasioso eta eroa.

samedi, juin 24, 2006


Potros-ek azken pirrutxoa (a)matatzen, ziztatzen, txipiroitzen zuen bitartean, El Rey Corcón-en armadako koltxoiek, karentzia emozional afektiboez kexaturik, bena alkoholizatuak bilatzen zituzten, hauek kozkatzeko, (a)matatzeko, Eskroto erabat txipiroitzeko

Eta San Juan, (beti) zaitut gogoan...


Anonymous Anonyme said...

... Eta hori guztia in English, of course...

San Juan suari oihartzun handiagoa eman beharko diogu neska amerikar gehiago erakartzeko... Karentzia afektiboak gainditzeko hizkuntza ez dezu oztopo izango, that's for sure; zainetan alkohola baino handiagoa den odol proportzioa izatea berriz komenigarria litzateke...

Ezkerrean korkoien errege alkoholizatua, ta eskuinean bixigu begidun txipiroia, gogoan izateko gaua, bai bai.

Ondo segi... Edo segi, behintzat...

2:41 PM  
Blogger MAGABILA said...

When the shirt came off, it was all in time
When a m-m-m-minute turned into a mile
And I broke that grin, and I cut it out
And he got all turned on by the taste of your sin
When I mention blue, all I thought was color
When you mention drugs, all I thought was sober
When your pants came off and I turned you over
When you mention blue

Cut it out for me this time
Smile, haven't seen him smile in a while

Keep the mask aligned
Cut it up in time
There's a space between valleys
And try and catch a vibe
Make a circle square
A rectangle curve
Use a smile as a noun and I think like a verb
Really quick switch sides
Spill the filled up canister
And the room is shaking
Now you're changing places
And I switched my pace
And my breathing races when you mention blue
Cut it out for me this time
Smile, haven't seen him smile in a while
Cut it out for me this time
Smile, haven't seen him smile in a while
Cut it out for me
Cut it, cut it out
Cut it out for me
Cut it, cut it out
We cut it out
Cut it out for me this time
Smile, haven't seen him smile in a while
Cut it out for me this time
Smile, haven't seen him smile in a while
Get down and stay awake

aiiiii, etanol, IloveYoU ENGLISH.....(joderoaindik txuribeltzean ikusten det)

the corcon

5:13 PM  
Blogger MAGABILA said...

veo todo en blanco y negro...

8:00 PM  

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